

公园 & 花岗岩街道关闭-见 迂回路线 


在菲律宾十大彩票平台学院,我们知道学生是我们工作的核心. 这就是为什么我们努力确保 they have equal access to our exceptional campus, 活动, and programs, as is their 公民权利受法律保障 美国残疾人法案, 康复法案第504条,和 公平住房法

平等机会 is defined by the Office of Civil Rights as when "a person with a disability is afforded the opportunity to acquire the same information, 参与相同的互动, and enjoy the same services as a person without a disability in an equally effective and equally integrated manner, 具有基本相同的易用性. The person with a disability must be able to obtain the information as fully, 作为一个没有残疾的人平等和独立." 

确保访问, we collaborate with campus and community partners to provide reasonable accommodations and adjustments to qualified students with disabilities. Such accommodations "level the playing field" by removing unecessary barriers. They are determined on a case-by-case basis by student's documentation and personal history, 然后根据每个人的课程和情况量身定制. 学生 with disabilities are held to the same standards as students without disabilities. Pregnant students and students with temporary injuries may also be eligible for services.



  1. 预约 讨论您的访问需求.
  2. 填写我们的 学生应用程序.
  3. 提交文档,遵循我们的 的指导方针.

  • You are responsible for contacting 残疾人服务 to request accommodations or notify us if an accommodation has not been implemented.
  • You are responsible for submitting documentation from a qualified professional to receive accommodations.
  • You are responsible for informing instructors of any conflicts related to your disability before or when they occur (i.e. arriving late, missing class, an assignment, and/or an exam) and for making up all missed work.
  • You are prohibited from sharing classroom materials gained as a result of a note-taking accommodation (e.g. 录制讲座,接收讲师笔记等.).
  • You must follow all relevant policies if you are bringing an assistance animal into campus 住房. 对于有服务性动物的学生,必须对这些动物进行训练.
  • 你有平等的机会和参与所有校园项目的权利, 活动, 住房, 十大可靠彩票平台, 餐厅, 就业, 和事件.
  • 你有权利这么做 request an accommodation that does not place an undue burden or fundamentally alter a course or program for consideration by 残疾人服务 by engaging in an interactive process.
  • 你有权利这么做 报告校园无障碍障碍 供机构处理.
  • 你有权利 提出申诉 if you believe you have been discriminated against on the basis of your disability.
  • 你有权将训练有素的服务性动物带入校园.
  • 你有隐私权. 除非得到您的书面同意,否则所有服务都是保密的.


We provide designated ADA seating and additional handicapped parking spaces near the HPER for visitors with disabilities attending graduation. 随时了解 毕业典礼安排 并制定相应的计划!

Parking is enforced Monday - Friday from 7am to 5pm during the 春天 and Fall semesters. 所有的学生, 工作人员, 教师, 在这些时间里,进入校园的游客必须持有有效的停车证.

寒暑假期间不强制停车. 学生, 工作人员, facvulty, and visitors can park anywhere that isn't a timed visitor spot or in a loading zone with or without a pass.

十大可靠彩票平台的 业务办公室 有关下列事项的查询或关注:

  • 购买停车证
  • 获得临时残疾人或访客通行证
  • 支付或争论停车罚单
  • 查看城市公交路线
  • 摩托车停车位



任何来学校的人都应该知道比尤特坐落在一个非常高的海拔. There is a risk of altitude sickness or shortness of breath until you have acclimated to the climate. 我们的校园坐落在几座山上, 所以那些行动不便的人应该采取必要的预防措施.

我们的校园独特而历史悠久. 蒙大拿州理工学院于1900年首次开放, 校园里有超过100年历史的建筑. 那时候,建筑并没有考虑到可达性. Knowing this, we do our best to accommodate students while preserving historic integrity. 我们的三座大楼(主厅、工程厅、 & Prospector Hall) are set to undergo much needed renovations within the next few years, 但在那之前, 那些大楼里没有可用的电梯.


春天 & fall weather can be unpredictable and temperatures may drop or rise anywhere from 10 - 30 学位s depending on the day. 

Summers are very pleasant and don't usually exceed 89° Farenheit (31° Celsius), 但也有许多无云的日子,太阳可能会照在你身上, 所以记得涂防晒霜, 喝水, 找到阴凉的地方. 夏天也是野火多发季节, 烟雾会使呼吸困难, 堵塞的鼻子, 和/或刺激眼睛. 请浏览 蒙大拿州自然资源和保护部 了解更多关于如何应对野火的知识.

Winters are long, dry, and cold, with temperatures sometimes in the negatives. 校园和巴特通常都不会因为冬季天气而关闭.

项目 & 研讨会

2024年秋季首次亮相, 教师 who are unable to teach for a day can choose from a variety of 工作人员-curated workshops for students instead of cancelling class.


听说过普拉德-威利综合症吗? Come learn more about this rare genetic disorder on May 23 at 5:30pm in the Auditorium. 免费入场.


Shauna Goodell
残疾人服务 & 可访问性协调员

1440 W. 公园圣.
巴特,MT 59701